Saturday, June 30, 2007

animal care |

animal care : "The first step to having a parasite free pet is to give it a flea bath. Although, since most flea products are too harsh for puppies you should be extremely careful to consult your veterinarian and follow all instructions on a flea products label if your puppy has fleas. A flea bath can also give relieve from itching and irritation, however you should not stop at shampooing your pet as a flea bath does not really protect the animal after having a flea bath.
Although, it is not recommended by most veterinarians, one alternative for keeping fleas away for some time after the treatment is to use a flea dip. However with the use of flea dip also comes the possibility of the dog licking, swallowing or eating the fleas after treatment of a flea dip, since a flea dip remains on the animals coat a good long while. Alternatively, you may choose the option of a flea collar. You should keep in mind that flea collars only work in killing fleas around the face and neck of the dog, and not its whole body. Moreover, some dogs have shown signs of being allergic to flea collars by developing a rash when wearing a flea collar. You should also consider that since they hang loose from your dog's collar that flea medallions can possibly contaminate the dog's drinking water, and thereby make it ill. "

animal care |

animal care : "Fleas also known as cat fleas are tiny, irritating parasites that not only feed off your pet's blood, but your own blood as well. It is possible to find that fleas have laid their eggs almost anywhere and everywhere they please inside or outside, for instant, in your carpets, furniture and bedding as well as your front and back yards. Therefore, it is likely that an infestation of fleas and their eggs is very high. To determine if your animal has fleas, you should look for the tell tale signs of fleas on your dog, for instance the excrement of fleas are dark, specks of curly dots which are also called flea dirt.
This flea dirt or excrement are black specks, which are the remains of digested blood that has a reddish brown appearance when wet, and are best found while having your pet lay on a white sheet or cloth while you brush through its coat. On dogs that have a darker coat you will need a magnifying glass to search for flea eggs, as they will give the appearance of dandruff within your pet's coat. "

animal care |

animal care : "Dogs can be the greatest source of love and happiness in our lives. However, they can also be a source of endless frustration. Usually the difference between a well-behaved dog and a chaotic dog is training. Dog training is an art and a science. Thee are many videos and books written on the subject and a lot of good information can also be found online. One of the most basic training commands is 'Sit.' It is also one of the most useful. When I take my dogs into a dog store, so many pets are misbehaving, barking at each other, or trying to show who is boss while we are in line. My dogs, however, are commanded to sit while I wait in line. Usually, people are awed by this. But it really isn't very remarkable. Teaching a dog to sit does not have to be challenging. Below is some advice I found online:
Few things in life are prettier than watching a well-trained dog and one of the basic commands is the sit command. There are several methods of teaching your dog to sit. Two of the most popular are the Click and the Compulsory methods. The Click method is based again on purely positive reinforcement while the Compulsory method uses both positive and negative reinforcements. Let's begin our discussion with the easier of the two, The Click Method. "